你為了天主恩賜我的聖寵與特恩而特別欽崇天主聖三,給我極大的喜樂。 (聖傅天娜修女日記#564)
You give Me great joy when you adore The Holy Trinity for the graces and privileges which were accorded Me. (Diary of St. Sr. Faustina #564)
You give Me great joy when you adore The Holy Trinity for the graces and privileges which were accorded Me. (Diary of St. Sr. Faustina #564)
「在彌撒聖祭中,我突然感覺自己與至聖聖三結合;我認識到祂的尊威與偉大,我與聖三合而為一。當我與這至尊天主中的一位結合時,同時也與其他兩位結合。 我的靈魂所感到的喜悅和幸福,真是難以言喻。」 (日記#1129)
I felt in my
soul the presence of the Holy Trinity, the Father, the Son, and the Holy
Spirit. I felt that I was the
am the Lord in My essence and am immune to orders or needs. If I call creatures
into being –that is the abyss of My mercy.
of St. Sr. Faustina #85)
Let no soul, even the most miserable, fall prey to doubt; for, as long as one is alive, each one can become a great saint, so great is the power of God’s grace. (Diary of St. Sr. Faustina #283)
You have a special claim on My mercy. Let it act in your poor soul; let the rays of grace enter your soul; they bring with them light, warmth, and life. (Diary of St. Sr. Faustina #1486)
I desire nothing but You, O Love Eternal! It matters not along what paths You will lead me, paths of pain or paths of joy. I want to love You at every moment of my life. (Diary of St.Sr. Faustina #751)
Of myself I am nothing, and in my misery I have nothing of worth; so I abandon myself into the ocean of Your mercy, O Lord. (Diary of St. Sr. Faustina #57)
聖母於1945至1959年間在荷蘭阿姆斯特丹向平信徒艾達‧皮德曼 (Ida Peerdeman) 的顯現了56次。
今天也是絕望主保聖李達 (St. Rita) 的紀念日,聖人堅忍刻苦,在逆境中愈發顯露芬芳的聖德。在聖神降臨節前夕,讓我們偕同聖李達,倚藉聖母,呼求聖神,一起為世界祈求主賜的平安與和平。
‧ Bernadette
Lam ‧
* 部份圖片來源:瑪利亞之家修會 (Photo credit : Family of Mary)